[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# This template has the same interface as create.html.tmpl
[% USE Bugzilla %]
[% cgi = Bugzilla.cgi %]
[% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl
title = "Enter $terms.ABug"
onload = "PutDescription()"
style_urls = ['skins/standard/bug.css']
[%# This script displays the descriptions for selected components. %]
Step 1 of 3 - has your [% terms.bug %] already been reported?
Please don't skip this step - half of all [% terms.bugs %] filed are
reported already.
Check the two lists of frequently-reported [% terms.bugs %]:
If your [% terms.bug %] isn't there, search [% terms.Bugzilla %] by entering
a few key words having to do with your [% terms.bug %] in this box.
For example: pop3 mail or copy paste.
The results will appear above.
[%# All bugs opened inside the past six months %]
Look through the search results. If you get the
[% terms.zeroSearchResults %] message, [% terms.Bugzilla %]
found no [% terms.bugs %] that
match. Check for typing mistakes, or try fewer or different keywords.
If you find [% terms.abug %] that looks the same as yours, please add
any useful extra information you have to it, rather than opening a new one.
Step 2 of 3 - give information
If you've tried a few searches and your [% terms.bug %] really isn't in
there, tell us all about it.
[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]
[%# Block for SELECT fields #%]
[% BLOCK select %]
[% END %]