package Test2::Workflow::Runner;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.000138';
use Test2::API();
use Test2::Todo();
use Test2::AsyncSubtest();
use Test2::Util qw/get_tid CAN_REALLY_FORK/;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
use Time::HiRes qw/sleep/;
use List::Util qw/shuffle min/;
use Carp qw/confess/;
use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{
stack no_fork no_threads max slots pid tid rand subtests filter
use overload(
'fallback' => 1,
'&{}' => sub {
my $self = shift;
sub {
@_ = ($self);
goto &run;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{+STACK} = [];
$self->{+SUBTESTS} = [];
$self->{+PID} = $$;
$self->{+TID} = get_tid();
my $can_thread = Test2::AsyncSubtest->CAN_REALLY_THREAD();
$self->{+NO_THREADS} ||= !($can_thread && $should_thread);
$self->{+RAND} = 1 unless defined $self->{+RAND};
my @max = grep {defined $_} $self->{+MAX}, $ENV{T2_WORKFLOW_ASYNC};
my $max = @max ? min(@max) : 3;
$self->{+MAX} = $max;
$self->{+SLOTS} = [] if $max;
unless(defined($self->{+FILTER})) {
if (my $raw = $ENV{T2_WORKFLOW}) {
my ($file, $line, $name);
if ($raw =~ m/^(.*)\s+(\d+)$/) {
($file, $line) = ($1, $2);
elsif($raw =~ m/^(\d+)$/) {
$line = $1;
else {
$name = $raw;
$self->{+FILTER} = {
file => $file,
line => $line,
name => $name,
if (my $task = delete $self->{task}) {
sub is_local {
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless $self->{+PID} == $$;
return 0 unless $self->{+TID} == get_tid();
return 1;
sub send_event {
my $self = shift;
my ($type, %params) = @_;
my $class;
if ($type =~ m/\+(.*)$/) {
$class = $1;
else {
$class = "Test2::Event::$type";
my $hub = Test2::API::test2_stack()->top();
my $e = $class->new(
trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
frame => [caller(0)],
buffered => $hub->buffered,
nested => $hub->nested,
hid => $hub->hid,
huuid => $hub->uuid,
#cid => $self->{+CID},
#uuid => $self->{+UUID},
sub current_subtest {
my $self = shift;
my $stack = $self->{+STACK} or return undef;
for my $state (reverse @$stack) {
next unless $state->{subtest};
return $state->{subtest};
return undef;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $stack = $self->stack;
my $c = 0;
while (@$stack) {
my $state = $stack->[-1];
my $task = $state->{task};
unless($state->{started}++) {
my $skip = $task->skip;
my $filter;
if (my $f = $self->{+FILTER}) {
my $in_var = grep { $_->{filter_satisfied} } @$stack;
$filter = $task->filter($f) unless $in_var;
$state->{filter_satisfied} = 1 if $filter->{satisfied};
$skip ||= $filter->{skip} if $filter;
if ($skip) {
reason => $skip || $filter,
name => $task->name,
pass => 1,
effective_pass => 1,
pop @$stack;
if ($task->flat) {
my $st = $self->current_subtest;
my $hub = $st ? $st->hub : Test2::API::test2_stack->top;
$state->{todo} = Test2::Todo->new(reason => $task->todo, hub => $hub)
if $task->todo;
$hub->send($_) for @{$task->events};
else {
my $st = Test2::AsyncSubtest->new(
name => $task->name,
frame => $task->frame,
$state->{subtest} = $st;
$state->{todo} = Test2::Todo->new(reason => $task->todo, hub => $st->hub)
if $task->todo;
for my $e (@{$task->events}) {
my $hub = $st->hub;
$e->trace->{buffered} = $hub->buffered;
$e->trace->{nested} = $hub->nested;
$e->trace->{hid} = $hub->hid;
$e->trace->{huuid} = $hub->uuid;
my $slot = $self->isolate($state);
# if we forked/threaded then this state has ended here.
if (defined($slot)) {
push @{$self->{+SUBTESTS}} => [$st, $task] unless $st->finished;
$state->{subtest} = undef;
$state->{ended} = 1;
if ($state->{ended}) {
$state->{todo}->end() if $state->{todo};
$state->{subtest}->stop() if $state->{subtest};
return if $state->{in_thread};
if(my $guard = delete $state->{in_fork}) {
exit 0;
pop @$stack;
if($state->{subtest} && !$state->{subtest_started}++) {
push @{$self->{+SUBTESTS}} => [$state->{subtest}, $task];
if ($task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Task::Action')) {
$state->{PID} = $$;
my $ok = eval { $task->code->($self); 1 };
unless ($state->{PID} == $$) {
print STDERR "Task '" . $task->name . "' started in pid $state->{PID}, but ended in pid $$, did you forget to exit after forking?\n";
exit 255;
$task->exception($@) unless $ok;
$state->{ended} = 1;
if (!$state->{stage} || $state->{stage} eq 'BEFORE') {
$state->{before} = (defined $state->{before}) ? $state->{before} : 0;
if (my $add = $task->before->[$state->{before}++]) {
if ($add->around) {
$state->{PID} = $$;
my $ok = eval { $add->code->($self); 1 };
my $err = $@;
my $complete = $state->{stage} && $state->{stage} eq 'AFTER';
unless ($state->{PID} == $$) {
print STDERR "Task '" . $task->name . "' started in pid $state->{PID}, but ended in pid $$, did you forget to exit after forking?\n";
exit 255;
unless($ok && $complete) {
$state->{ended} = 1;
$state->{stage} = 'AFTER';
$task->exception($ok ? "'around' task failed to continue into the workflow chain.\n" : $err);
else {
else {
$state->{stage} = 'VARIANT';
elsif ($state->{stage} eq 'VARIANT') {
if (my $v = $task->variant) {
$state->{stage} = 'PRIMARY';
elsif ($state->{stage} eq 'PRIMARY') {
unless (defined $state->{order}) {
my $rand = defined($task->rand) ? $task->rand : $self->rand;
$state->{order} = [0 .. scalar(@{$task->primary}) - 1];
@{$state->{order}} = shuffle(@{$state->{order}})
if $rand;
my $num = shift @{$state->{order}};
if (defined $num) {
else {
$state->{stage} = 'AFTER';
elsif ($state->{stage} eq 'AFTER') {
$state->{after} = (defined $state->{after}) ? $state->{after} : 0;
if (my $add = $task->after->[$state->{after}++]) {
return if $add->around;
else {
$state->{ended} = 1;
sub push_task {
my $self = shift;
my ($task) = @_;
confess "No Task!" unless $task;
confess "Bad Task ($task)!" unless blessed($task) && $task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Task');
if ($task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Build')) {
confess "Can only push a Build instance when initializing the stack"
if @{$self->{+STACK}};
$task = $task->compile();
push @{$self->{+STACK}} => {
task => $task,
name => $task->name,
sub add_mock {
my $self = shift;
my ($mock) = @_;
my $stack = $self->{+STACK};
confess "Nothing on the stack!"
unless $stack && @$stack;
my ($state) = grep { !$_->{task}->scaffold} reverse @$stack;
push @{$state->{mocks}} => $mock;
sub isolate {
my $self = shift;
my ($state) = @_;
return if $state->{task}->skip;
my $iso = $state->{task}->iso;
my $async = $state->{task}->async;
# No need to isolate
return undef unless $iso || $async;
# Cannot isolate
unless($self->{+MAX} && $self->is_local) {
# async does not NEED to be isolated
return undef unless $iso;
# Wait for a slot, if max is set to 0 then we will not find a slot, instead
# we use '0'. We need to return a defined value to let the stack know that
# the task has ended.
my $slot = 0;
while($self->{+MAX} && $self->is_local) {
for my $s (1 .. $self->{+MAX}) {
my $st = $self->{+SLOTS}->[$s];
next if $st && !$st->finished;
$self->{+SLOTS}->[$s] = undef;
$slot = $s;
last if $slot;
my $st = $state->{subtest}
or confess "Cannot isolate a task without a subtest";
if (!$self->no_fork) {
my $out = $st->fork;
if (blessed($out)) {
$state->{in_fork} = $out;
# drop back out to complete the task.
return undef;
else {
message => "Forked PID $out to run: " . $state->{task}->name,
$state->{pid} = $out;
elsif (!$self->no_threads) {
$state->{in_thread} = 1;
my $thr = $st->run_thread(\&run, $self);
$state->{thread} = $thr;
delete $state->{in_thread};
message => "Started Thread-ID " . $thr->tid . " to run: " . $state->{task}->name,
else {
$st->finish(skip => "No isolation method available");
return 0;
if($slot) {
$self->{+SLOTS}->[$slot] = $st;
else {
return $slot;
sub cull {
my $self = shift;
my $subtests = delete $self->{+SUBTESTS} || return;
my @new;
# Cull subtests in reverse order, Nested subtests end before their parents.
for my $set (reverse @$subtests) {
my ($st, $task) = @$set;
next if $st->finished;
if (!$st->active && $st->ready) {
# Use unshift to preserve order.
unshift @new => $set;
$self->{+SUBTESTS} = \@new;
sub finish {
my $self = shift;
while(@{$self->{+SUBTESTS}}) {
sleep(0.02) if @{$self->{+SUBTESTS}};
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Workflow::Runner - Runs the workflows.
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Workflow can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE
Copyright 2018 Chad Granum Eexodist7@gmail.comE.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F