use strict; use warnings; package Test::Warnings; # git description: v0.029-2-g97d1c9f # vim: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=115 et : # ABSTRACT: Test for warnings and the lack of them # KEYWORDS: testing tests warnings our $VERSION = '0.030'; use parent 'Exporter'; use Test::Builder; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( allow_warnings allowing_warnings had_no_warnings warnings warning ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK ); my $warnings_allowed; my $forbidden_warnings_found; my $done_testing_called; my $no_end_test; my $fail_on_warning; my $report_warnings; my @collected_warnings; sub import { my $class = shift @_; my %names; @names{@_} = (); # END block will check for this status $no_end_test = exists $names{':no_end_test'}; # __WARN__ handler will check for this status $fail_on_warning = exists $names{':fail_on_warning'}; # Collect and report warnings at the end $report_warnings = exists $names{':report_warnings'}; delete @names{qw(:no_end_test :fail_on_warning :report_warnings)}; __PACKAGE__->export_to_level(1, $class, keys %names); } # for testing this module only! my $tb; sub _builder(;$) { if (not @_) { $tb ||= Test::Builder->new; return $tb; } $tb = shift; } my $_orig_warn_handler = $SIG{__WARN__}; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { if ($warnings_allowed) { Test::Builder->new->note($_[0]); } else { $forbidden_warnings_found++; push @collected_warnings, $_[0] if $report_warnings; # TODO: this doesn't handle blessed coderefs... does anyone care? goto &$_orig_warn_handler if $_orig_warn_handler and ( (ref $_orig_warn_handler eq 'CODE') or ($_orig_warn_handler ne 'DEFAULT' and $_orig_warn_handler ne 'IGNORE' and defined &$_orig_warn_handler)); if ($_[0] =~ /\n$/) { warn $_[0]; } else { require Carp; Carp::carp($_[0]); } _builder->ok(0, 'unexpected warning') if $fail_on_warning; } }; sub warnings(;&) { # if someone manually does warnings->import in the same namespace this is # imported into, this sub will be called. in that case, just return the # string "warnings" so it calls the correct method. if (!@_) { return 'warnings'; } my $code = shift; my @warnings; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, shift; }; $code->(); @warnings; } sub warning(&) { my @warnings = &warnings(@_); return @warnings == 1 ? $warnings[0] : \@warnings; } if (Test::Builder->can('done_testing')) { # monkeypatch Test::Builder::done_testing: # check for any forbidden warnings, and record that we have done so # so we do not check again via END no strict 'refs'; my $orig = *{'Test::Builder::done_testing'}{CODE}; no warnings 'redefine'; *{'Test::Builder::done_testing'} = sub { # only do this at the end of all tests, not at the end of a subtest my $builder = _builder; my $in_subtest_sub = $builder->can('in_subtest'); if (not $no_end_test and not ($in_subtest_sub ? $builder->$in_subtest_sub : $builder->parent)) { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 3; had_no_warnings('no (unexpected) warnings (via done_testing)'); $done_testing_called = 1; } $orig->(@_); }; } END { if (not $no_end_test and not $done_testing_called # skip this if there is no plan and no tests have been run (e.g. # compilation tests of this module!) and (_builder->expected_tests or _builder->current_test > 0) ) { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; had_no_warnings('no (unexpected) warnings (via END block)'); } } # setter sub allow_warnings(;$) { $warnings_allowed = @_ || defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 1; } # getter sub allowing_warnings() { $warnings_allowed } # call at any time to assert no (unexpected) warnings so far sub had_no_warnings(;$) { _builder->ok(!$forbidden_warnings_found, shift || 'no (unexpected) warnings'); if ($report_warnings and $forbidden_warnings_found) { _builder->diag("Got the following unexpected warnings:"); for my $i (1 .. @collected_warnings) { _builder->diag(" $i: $collected_warnings[ $i - 1 ]"); } } } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test::Warnings - Test for warnings and the lack of them =head1 VERSION version 0.030 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use Test::Warnings; pass('yay!'); done_testing; emits TAP: ok 1 - yay! ok 2 - no (unexpected) warnings (via done_testing) 1..2 and: use Test::More tests => 3; use Test::Warnings 0.005 ':all'; pass('yay!'); like(warning { warn "oh noes!" }, qr/^oh noes/, 'we warned'); emits TAP: ok 1 - yay! ok 2 - we warned ok 3 - no (unexpected) warnings (via END block) 1..3 =head1 DESCRIPTION If you've ever tried to use L to confirm there are no warnings generated by your tests, combined with the convenience of C to not have to declare a L, you'll have discovered that these two features do not play well together, as the test count will be calculated I the warnings test is run, resulting in a TAP error. (See C in this distribution for a demonstration.) This module is intended to be used as a drop-in replacement for L: it also adds an extra test, but runs this test I C calculates the test count, rather than after. It does this by hooking into C as well as via an C block. You can declare a plan, or not, and things will still Just Work. It is actually equivalent to: use Test::NoWarnings 1.04 ':early'; as warnings are still printed normally as they occur. You are safe, and enthusiastically encouraged, to perform a global search-replace of the above with C whether or not your tests have a plan. It can also be used as a replacement for L, if you wish to test the content of expected warnings; read on to find out how. =head1 FUNCTIONS The following functions are available for import (not included by default; you can also get all of them by importing the tag C<:all>): =head2 C<< allow_warnings([bool]) >> - EXPERIMENTAL - MAY BE REMOVED When passed a true value, or no value at all, subsequent warnings will not result in a test failure; when passed a false value, subsequent warnings will result in a test failure. Initial value is C. When warnings are allowed, any warnings will instead be emitted via L. =head2 C - EXPERIMENTAL - MAY BE REMOVED Returns whether we are currently allowing warnings (set by C as described above). =head2 C<< had_no_warnings() >> Tests whether there have been any warnings so far, not preceded by an C call. It is run automatically at the end of all tests, but can also be called manually at any time, as often as desired. =head2 C<< warnings( { code } ) >> Given a code block, runs the block and returns a list of all the (not previously allowed via C) warnings issued within. This lets you test for the presence of warnings that you not only would I, but I be issued. Testing functions are not provided; given the strings returned, you can test these yourself using your favourite testing functions, such as L or L. You can use this construct as a replacement for L: is_deeply( [ warnings { ... } ], [ 'warning message 1', 'warning message 2', ], 'got expected warnings', ); or, to replace L: cmp_deeply( [ warnings { ... } ], bag( # ordering of messages doesn't matter re(qr/warning message 1/), re(qr/warning message 2/), ), 'got expected warnings (in any order)', ); Warnings generated by this code block are I propagated further. However, since they are returned from this function with their filename and line numbers intact, you can re-issue them yourself immediately after calling C, if desired. Note that C will give you a C subroutine in your namespace (most likely C
, if you're writing a test), so you (or things you load) can't subsequently do C<< warnings->import >> -- it will result in the error: "Not enough arguments for Test::Warnings::warnings at ..., near "warnings->import"". To work around this, either use the fully-qualified form (C) or make your calls to the C package first. =head2 C<< warning( { code } ) >> Same as C<< warnings( { code } ) >>, except a scalar is always returned - the single warning produced, if there was one, or an arrayref otherwise -- which can be more convenient to use than C if you are expecting exactly one warning. However, you are advised to capture the result from C into a temp variable so you can dump its value if it doesn't contain what you expect. e.g. with this test: like( warning { foo() }, qr/^this is a warning/, 'got a warning from foo()', ); if you get two warnings (or none) back instead of one, you'll get an arrayref, which will result in an unhelpful test failure message like: # Failed test 'got a warning from foo()' # at t/mytest.t line 10. # 'ARRAY(0xdeadbeef)' # doesn't match '(?^:^this is a warning)' So instead, change your test to: my $warning = warning { foo() }; like( $warning, qr/^this is a warning/, 'got a warning from foo()', ) or diag 'got warning(s): ', explain($warning); =head1 IMPORT OPTIONS =head2 C<:all> Imports all functions listed above =head2 C<:no_end_test> Disables the addition of a C test via C or C =head2 C<:fail_on_warning> =for stopwords unexempted When used, fail immediately when an unexempted warning is generated (as opposed to waiting until L or C is called). I recommend you only turn this option on when debugging a test, to see where a surprise warning is coming from, and rely on the end-of-tests check otherwise. =head2 C<:report_warnings> When used, C will print all the unexempted warning content, in case it had been suppressed earlier by other captures (such as L or L). =head1 CAVEATS =for stopwords smartmatch TODO irc Sometimes new warnings can appear in Perl that should B block installation -- for example, smartmatch was recently deprecated in perl 5.17.11, so now any distribution that uses smartmatch and also tests for warnings cannot be installed under 5.18.0. You might want to consider only making warnings fail tests in an author environment -- you can do this with the L pragma: use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} || $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings'; In future versions of this module, when interfaces are added to test the content of warnings, there will likely be additional sugar available to indicate that warnings should be checked only in author tests (or TODO when not in author testing), but will still provide exported subs. Comments are enthusiastically solicited - drop me an email, write up an RT ticket, or come by C<#perl-qa> on irc! =for stopwords Achtung B This is not a great idea: sub warning_like(&$;$) { my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_; like( &warning($code), $pattern, $name ); } warning_like( { ... }, qr/foo/, 'foo appears in the warning' ); If the code in the C<{ ... }> is going to warn with a stack trace with the arguments to each subroutine in its call stack (for example via C), the test name, "foo appears in the warning" will itself be matched by the regex (see F). Instead, write this: like( warning { ... }, qr/foo/, 'foo appears in the warning' ); =head1 TO DO (or: POSSIBLE FEATURES COMING IN FUTURE RELEASES) =over =item * C<< allow_warnings(qr/.../) >> - allow some warnings and not others =for stopwords subtest subtests =item * more sophisticated handling in subtests - if we save some state on the L object itself, we can allow warnings in a subtest and then the state will revert when the subtest ends, as well as check for warnings at the end of every subtest via C. =item * sugar for making failures TODO when testing outside an author environment =back =head1 SEE ALSO =for stopwords YANWT =over 4 =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L - which makes all warnings fatal in tests, hence lessening the need for special warning testing =item * L =item * L =back =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through L (or L). There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at L. There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at L on C|irc://>. I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at C. =head1 AUTHOR Karen Etheridge =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Graham Knop A. Sinan Unur Leon Timmermans Tina Mueller =over 4 =item * Graham Knop =item * A. Sinan Unur =item * Leon Timmermans =item * Tina Mueller =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Karen Etheridge. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut