package Test::Fork; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.02'; use base 'Test::Builder::Module'; our @EXPORT = qw(fork_ok); my $CLASS = __PACKAGE__; sub note { my $msg = shift; my $fh = $CLASS->builder->output; print $fh "# $msg\n"; } =head1 NAME Test::Fork - test code which forks =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::More tests => 4; use Test::Fork; fork_ok(2, sub{ pass("Test in the child process"); pass("Another test in the child process"); }); pass("Test in the parent"); =head1 DESCRIPTION B<THIS IS ALPHA CODE!> The implementation is unreliable and the interface is subject to change. Because each test has a number associated with it, testing code which forks is problematic. Coordinating the test number amongst the parent and child processes is complicated. Test::Fork provides a function to smooth over the complications. =head2 Functions Each function is exported by default. =head3 B<fork_ok> my $child_pid = fork_ok( $num_tests, sub { ...child test code... }); Runs the given child test code in a forked process. Returns the pid of the forked child process, or false if the fork fails. $num_tests is the number of tests in your child test code. Consider it to be a sub-plan. fork_ok() itself is a test, if the fork fails it will fail. fork_ok() test does not count towards your $num_tests. # This is three tests. fork_ok( 2, sub { is $foo, $bar; ok Something->method; }); The children are automatically reaped. =cut my %Reaped; my %Running_Children; my $Is_Child = 0; sub fork_ok ($&) { my($num_tests, $child_sub) = @_; my $tb = $CLASS->builder; my $pid = fork; # Failed fork if( !defined $pid ) { return $tb->ok(0, "fork() failed: $!"); } # Parent elsif( $pid ) { # Avoid race condition where child has run and is reaped before # parent even runs. $Running_Children{$pid} = 1 unless $Reaped{$pid}; $tb->use_numbers(0); $tb->current_test($tb->current_test + $num_tests); $tb->ok(1, "fork() succeeded, child pid $pid"); return $pid; } # Child $Is_Child = 1; $tb->use_numbers(0); $tb->no_ending(1); note("Running child pid $$"); $child_sub->(); exit; } END { while( !$Is_Child and keys %Running_Children ) { note("reaper($$) waiting on @{[keys %Running_Children]}"); _check_kids(); _reaper(); } } sub _check_kids { for my $child (keys %Running_Children) { delete $Running_Children{$child} if $Reaped{$child}; delete $Running_Children{$child} unless kill 0, $child; note("Child $child already reaped"); } } sub _reaper { local $?; # wait sets $? my $child_pid = wait; $Reaped{$child_pid}++; delete $Running_Children{$child_pid}; note("child $child_pid reaped"); $CLASS->builder->use_numbers(1) unless keys %Running_Children; return $child_pid == -1 ? 0 : 1; } $SIG{CHLD} = \&_reaper; =head1 CAVEATS The failure of tests in a child process cannot be detected by the parent. Therefore, the normal end-of-test reporting done by Test::Builder will not notice failed child tests. Test::Fork turns off test numbering in order to avoid test counter coordination issues. It turns it back on once the children are done running. Test::Fork will wait for all your child processes to complete at the end of the parent process. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Test::MultiFork> =head1 AUTHOR Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt> =head1 BUGS and FEEDBACK Please send all bugs and feature requests to I<bug-Test-Fork> at I<> or use the web interface via L<>. If you use it, please send feedback. I like getting feedback. =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright 2007-2008 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwern@pobox.comE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See F<> =cut 42;