use 5.006; # pragmas use strict; use warnings; package Test::File::ShareDir::TempDirObject; our $VERSION = '1.001002'; # ABSTRACT: Internal Object to make code simpler. our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:KENTNL'; # AUTHORITY use Path::Tiny qw(path); use Carp qw(confess); ## no critic (Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking) sub __rcopy { require File::Copy::Recursive; goto \&File::Copy::Recursive::rcopy; } sub new { my ( $class, $config ) = @_; confess('Need -share => for Test::File::ShareDir') unless exists $config->{-share}; my $realconfig = { root => path(q{./})->absolute, #->resolve->absolute, modules => {}, dists => {}, }; $realconfig->{root} = path( delete $config->{-root} )->absolute if exists $config->{-root}; $realconfig->{modules} = delete $config->{-share}->{-module} if exists $config->{-share}->{-module}; $realconfig->{dists} = delete $config->{-share}->{-dist} if exists $config->{-share}->{-dist}; confess( 'Unsupported -share types : ' . join q{ }, keys %{ $config->{-share} } ) if keys %{ $config->{-share} }; delete $config->{-share}; confess( 'Unsupported parameter to import() : ' . join q{ }, keys %{$config} ) if keys %{$config}; return bless $realconfig, $class; } my @cache; sub _tempdir { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{tempdir} if exists $self->{tempdir}; $self->{tempdir} = Path::Tiny::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # Explicit keepalive till GC push @cache, $self->{tempdir}; return $self->{tempdir}; } sub _module_tempdir { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{module_tempdir} if exists $self->{module_tempdir}; $self->{module_tempdir} = $self->_tempdir->child('auto/share/module'); $self->{module_tempdir}->mkpath(); return $self->{module_tempdir}->absolute; } sub _dist_tempdir { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{dist_tempdir} if exists $self->{dist_tempdir}; $self->{dist_tempdir} = $self->_tempdir->child('auto/share/dist'); $self->{dist_tempdir}->mkpath(); return $self->{dist_tempdir}->absolute; } sub _root { my ($self) = shift; return $self->{root}; } sub _modules { return shift->{modules}; } sub _dists { return shift->{dists} } sub _module_names { my ($self) = shift; return keys %{ $self->_modules }; } sub _dist_names { my ($self) = shift; return keys %{ $self->_dists }; } sub _module_share_target_dir { my ( $self, $modname ) = @_; ## no critic (RegularExpressions) $modname =~ s/::/-/g; return $self->_module_tempdir->child($modname); } sub _dist_share_target_dir { my ( $self, $distname ) = @_; return $self->_dist_tempdir->child($distname); } sub _module_share_source_dir { my ( $self, $module ) = @_; return path( $self->_modules->{$module} )->absolute( $self->_root ); } sub _dist_share_source_dir { my ( $self, $dist ) = @_; return path( $self->_dists->{$dist} )->absolute( $self->_root ); } sub _install_module { my ( $self, $module ) = @_; return __rcopy( $self->_module_share_source_dir($module), $self->_module_share_target_dir($module) ); } sub _install_dist { my ( $self, $dist ) = @_; return __rcopy( $self->_dist_share_source_dir($dist), $self->_dist_share_target_dir($dist) ); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test::File::ShareDir::TempDirObject - Internal Object to make code simpler. =head1 VERSION version 1.001002 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $object = $class->new({ -root => 'foo', # optional -share => { -module => { 'baz' => 'dir', }, -dist => { 'Task-baz' => 'otherdir', }, }, }); # installs a sharedir for 'baz' by copying 'foo/dir' $object->_install_module('baz'); # installs a shardir for distribution 'Task-baz' by copying 'foo/otherdir' $object->_install_dist('Task-baz'); # add to @INC unshift @INC, $object->_tempdir->stringify; =head1 METHODS =head2 new Creates a new instance of this object. =begin MetaPOD::JSON v1.1.0 { "namespace":"Test::File::ShareDir::TempDirObject", "interface":"class" } =end MetaPOD::JSON =head1 AUTHOR Kent Fredric <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Kent Fredric <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut