package Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::GearmanDBI; use strict; use warnings; use base qw( Data::ObjectDriver ); use Data::ObjectDriver::Iterator; use Storable(); use Digest::MD5; use Data::Dumper; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( dbi client func driver_arg enabled_cb uniqify_cb on_exception_cb retry_count timeout )); sub init { my $driver = shift; my %param = @_; for my $key (keys %param) { $driver->$key($param{$key}); } } sub search { my $driver = shift; my($class, $terms, $args) = @_; if ($Data::ObjectDriver::RESTRICT_IO) { die "Attempted GearmanDBI I/O while in restricted mode: search() " . Dumper($terms, $args); } my $dbi = $driver->dbi; ## if Gearman shouldn't be used, fallback to the configured dbi driver return $dbi->search(@_) unless $driver->enabled_cb->(@_); my ($sql, $bind, $stmt) = $dbi->prepare_fetch($class, $terms, $args); my $results = $driver->_gearman_search($sql, $bind); ## Transform the array returned by gearman to the hash we expect to load ## in the object my $map = $stmt->select_map; my @select = @{ $stmt->select }; my $to_hash = sub { my $array = shift; my $hash; my $i = 0; for my $col (@select) { $hash->{ $map->{$col} } = $array->[$i++]; } return $hash; }; my $nt = $args->{no_triggers}; my @objs = map { $dbi->load_object_from_rec($class, $_, $nt); } map { $to_hash->($_) } @$results; return wantarray ? @objs : Data::ObjectDriver::Iterator->new( sub { shift @objs } ); } sub _gearman_search { my $driver = shift; my ($sql, $bind) = @_; my $uniqify = $driver->uniqify_cb || \&_md5sum; my $func = $driver->func; my $uniq = $uniqify->($sql, $bind); my $client = $driver->client; my %options = (); $options{on_exception} = $driver->on_exception_cb if $driver->on_exception_cb; $options{retry_count} = $driver->retry_count if $driver->retry_count; $options{timeout} = $driver->timeout if $driver->timeout; my $res = $client->do_task( $func => \Storable::nfreeze( { driver_arg => $driver->driver_arg, sql => $sql, bind => $bind, key => $uniq, } ), { uniq => $uniq, # coalesce all requests for this data %options, } ); return $res ? Storable::thaw($$res) : []; } sub _md5sum { my ($sql, $bind) = @_; return Digest::MD5::md5_hex(join "", $sql, @$bind); } ## every single data access methods are delegated to dbi ## except for search sub lookup { shift->dbi->lookup (@_) } sub lookup_multi { shift->dbi->lookup_multi (@_) } sub exists { shift->dbi->exists (@_) } sub insert { shift->dbi->insert (@_) } sub replace { shift->dbi->replace (@_) } sub update { shift->dbi->update (@_) } sub remove { shift->dbi->remove (@_) } sub fetch_data { shift->dbi->fetch_data (@_) } ## transactions are passed to dbi sub add_working_driver { shift->dbi->add_working_driver (@_) } sub commit { shift->dbi->commit (@_) } sub rollback { shift->dbi->rollback (@_) } sub rw_handle { shift->dbi->rw_handle (@_) } sub r_handle { shift->dbi->r_handle (@_) } ## safety AUTOLOAD for the rest of non-core methods sub DESTROY { } sub AUTOLOAD { my $driver = shift; (my $meth = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*:://; return $driver->dbi->$meth(@_); } 1;